They don’t split into two new worms, contrary to what some believe. When an earthworm loses one end of its body, it can grow another, but when it is cut in half, it dies.Earthworms can carry up to 20 eggs in a cocoon that can withstand adverse environmental conditions, but only one worm generally emerges.To share genetic information, they need to mate with another worm. However, they cannot fertilize themselves. Earthworms are hermaphrodites, which means they possess both male and female sex organs.The sun’s ultraviolet radiation is lethal to the thin-skinned earthworm, so they can only be found on the surface in dull, wet weather.Key Facts & Information Amazing Earthworm Facts See the fact file below for more information on Earthworms, or alternatively, you can download our 22-page Earthworm worksheet pack to utilize within the classroom or home environment. Earthworms can be found in nearly every type of soil on the planet, as long as the moisture and organic content are adequate. Download the Earthworm Facts & WorksheetsĮarthworms are small, soil-dwelling invertebrates sensitive to the pH, waterlogging, compaction, rotation, tillage, and organic matter, all of which are good biological indicators of soil health.Once in New York City, though, the Earthworm abandons swallowing soil and instead, takes a job selling women’s face creams in television commercials-a prime example of Dahl’s flare for the nonsensical. He explains that earthworms swallow soil to help farmers’ crops grow well and takes pride in being so useful. Despite his gloomy personality, he is very proud to be an earthworm.

According to the Ladybug, the Earthworm likes being dramatic and pessimistic, but the Earthworm also seems genuinely upset by the Centipede’s constant needling-and in light of the Centipede’s teasing, the Earthworm’s hysterics don’t seem so out of line. It takes a lot of convincing on James’s part to make the Earthworm see that it’s possible, for instance, to eat the peach so that it doesn’t sink in the ocean.

Even more so than his companions, the Earthworm is prone to dramatic declarations that the whole party is doomed to die. This-along with the fact that the Earthworm is purposefully gloomy and dramatic-makes the Earthworm the center of most of the Centipede’s jokes and teasing. Unlike the other bugs in the group, the Earthworm is blind. The Earthworm is one of the creatures James finds waiting for him inside the giant peach.