If you use Ableton Live and the plugin does not show up after a VST plugin rescan, try to disable and re-enable VST plugin support. Its located in following directories: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/ or for Audio Units: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/ In hosts like Cubase, the plugin will show up after a restart. It installs all available versions for OSX (VST 32/64bit, AU 32/64bit). The installer copies the plugin to the right directory. Installation: - Download the TAL-BassLine-101-installer.pkg, unpack it and run the installer. A host that supports AU (Audio Unit) or VST 2.4 plugins. TAL - Togu Audio Line /11ģ OS X Requirements: - OSX 10.5 or higher. Uninstall: Just delete the plugin to uninstall it.

In hosts like Cubase, the plugin will show up after a restart. Please read the manual of your host to get more information where this directory is. Step through the wizard and choose the path where you want to install the plugin. It s also possible to install both versions of the plugin.

Please read the manual of your sequencer to find out whether it needs 32 or 64 bit plugins. Execute install_vst_32.exe if you want to install the 32 bit version of the plugin or install_vst_64.exe if you have a 64bit host (sequencer). Installation: - Download the file install_tal-bassline-101.zip and unzip it. Installation Windows Requirements: - SSE compatible processor (Pentium II or higher is required or an AMD equivalent) - Windows XP or higher. We take no responsibility for any damage caused by our VST and AU (Audio Unit) plug-ins. Try the unregistered demo version to be sure that the plugin works in your environment.

It s tested and works within the most common audio hosts as Ableton Live, Cubase, Logic Pro, Garage Band, Reaper and DSP-Quattro. This synth does not use any samples and computes all sounds in real-time. The synth was designed to emulate the analog hardware as accurate as possible and brings the synth sound of the 80 s back into your DAW. 9 License TAL - Togu Audio Line /11Ģ Introduction The TAL-BassLine-101 is a Virtual Analog software synthesizer plugin that supports all common sample rates higher or equal 44100Hz. 1 TAL-BassLine-101 USER MANUAL TAL-BassLine Introduction.